Dont waste money on kzaka, kzaka has only a minimum more acc, thats even not. Now let's do it the other way around Again base damage 100 but you add 5% to crit multi on top of your 200% crit multi giving you 205% crit dmg - you will hit for a total of 205. Nfs Carbon For Mac Os X

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Dont waste money on kzaka, kzaka has only a minimum more acc, thats even not. Now let's do it the other way around Again base damage 100 but you add 5% to crit multi on top of your 200% crit multi giving you 205% crit dmg - you will hit for a total of 205. cea114251b Nfs Carbon For Mac Os X

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With the new Spire consoles, whats the most efficient crit setup? I was thinking 4 crit% consoles, 1 crit severity console.. Say you have 100 base damage and then add 5% base with DW - now you do 105 base dmg - if your crit multi% is 200 then your total will be 210 dmg on crit.. To get the 5 crit with kzaka u need both kzarka slots 1 crit and buffood or costume.. And then on weapons, 4% crit chance and 20% severity on each Is this the best way to go? Or should I add more crit severity?. kari 4 per lisensnøkkel gratis

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Ho To Stack Crit Hit Dmg